Thursday 21 March 2019

Everyone Gets The Brexit They Want

Here’s the Brexit situation. The EU - May agreement is unacceptable because of the backstop. Speaker Bercow won’t let it come before Parliament again until there’s a significant change to it. Which there won’t be, because the EU have said they won’t change it. An extension that’s conditional on the agreement being voted in isn’t going to happen, unless Bercow accepts that as a significant change. However, there’s still no guarantee that enough MP’s will change their minds.

No MP is going to propose cancelling A50. The Whips wouldn’t stand for it: it’s one of those things where everybody has to trust everybody else, and there’s too much political capital to be gained by welching on that trust to seem like the Party that’s faithful to the British People.

I give outside odds against Angel Merkel telling the EU to drop the backstop - this would be about Wednesday - so the MPs can vote for the rest of the agreement before the 29th. She gets to be the saviour of Europe, after being its Prime Traitor. Nice legacy.

I’m not changing my position that the EU wants the UK out because we will impede their lunatic Federalism. And the UK wants out because we don’t want to spend our lives fighting lunatic Federalism.

If the EU was staffed by proper grown-ups, it would have talked about trade first and payments afterwards. Instead it is staffed by corrupt and second-rate bureaucrats, all of whom failed in their national political scene. They claim to love Europe, but they hate the people of Europe, and they hate the parliaments of Europe, in which they failed so badly. They have to punish all wrong-doers, and so must make all the other countries think twice. So the UK always was going to get an unacceptable deal.

No-one must be seen to making the decision to leave without a deal. Nobody must be to blame. Everybody must have plausible deniability. That’s why nobody will bring a motion to abandon A50. That’s why the EU stuck in a condition that they knew was unacceptable.

Theresa May has been accused of being a closet Remainer who wants Brexit to fail. Au contraire. She hates the EU in its post-Lisbon guise, and she hates the ECJ and ECHR. Given a choice between destruction and staying under the jurisdiction of the European Courts, she will burn the world. Resigning, by the way, would be tantamount to burning the world.

I suspect that Theresa May was deeply affected by the story of A Fistful of Dollars, where Clint Eastwood’s Stranger plays two factions off against each other, walking away with a lot of money and leaving ruins behind him. He gets beaten up before he can win.

The quisling media portrays Theresa May as a weakened, powerless incompetent. That’s George Osborne projecting his own personality and life on her. That wasn’t the Prime Minister I saw making a statement from Downing Street, skewering the MPs and appealing over their heads to their constituents.

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