Friday 19 November 2021

Second-Best Housekeeping Productivity Hack

(The best is to pay for a cleaner. Everyone living in a shared flat or house should do that.)

Get a robot vacuum cleaner.


Vacuuming is a chore. Not everyone feels that way, but normal people do.

How good were these robo-vac things?

I watched the You Tube review videos, and decided that the base-level Eufy 11S Max would suit my needs just fine, as well as being far more affordable than the ones that use GPS tracking to learn about your house so they know what to do in the master bedroom next time. You can YT the review videos using the name.

Prep the room: get all the wires off the ground, and I put small items of furniture on couch / bed. (I went round and used wire ties to lift a lot of wires off the floor. Which of course I should have done anyway.)

There are two basic modes:

a) you put the cleaner in a room, set it off, close the door and get on with something else somewhere else

b) you let it do the vacuuming, and go round with the damp cloth wiping down surfaces and skirting boards

Admit it, did you wipe down the skirting boards when you vacuumed? Thought so.

That's the productivity bit: you can do something else while it does the chore.

It can sense when it's on carpet and turns the vacuuming up a notch, and it can sense it's about to run out of landing, stop and turnaround. It doesn't fall downstairs.

Don't be control-freaky, it wanders about and eventually covers everywhere it can reach. You do have to get into the corners, but you probably missed those when vacuuming and had to do them specially. It has an 'edges' mode where it will go round the walls.

Empty the tray at the end of each session.

Admire your new cleaner digs.

(No. I'm not being paid. Buy a Robo-Vac if you want.)

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