Tuesday 5 July 2022

Liberal Totalitarianism

What on earth is a liberal totalitarian?

You know those people who said we should re-run the Brexit referendum?

Because it produced the wrong answer?

That's the attitude I mean, and those are the people.

Democracy is okay, as long as the people vote for the "right thing", which is, of course, what liberals want.

They don't understand what Democracy is.

It's a system in which, at regular intervals, the government has to pitch for its jobs. It does so by promising to do roughly what the majority of people want . When it is in power, it still keeps an eye on popular sentiment, in case it does something that will so displease the populace that they vote it out, by voting the other lot in.

Liberal totalitarians want a system in which Government does the "right thing", which is whatever fashionable opinion liberals have at the time, and the rest of the population shuts up and pays for it through taxes.

In other words, it doesn't matter who wins the election, the liberal policies are always passed.

People who have the wrong opinions - the Deplorables - should be at best ignored and at worst re-educated.

Opinions which differ from the liberal mainstream must be banned from any form of publication. Because it must be hate speech. Or stupid. Or deplorable.




I'm always surprised when obviously smart people turn out to be liberal totalitarians.

I don't mind the 'liberal'. I mind the 'totalitarian'.

Totalitarianism is the system of the petty bureaucrat. The one who made rules about how only six people may gather together, or you can't see your grandmother in her dying days, or a supermarket can sell cheese, but not Easter eggs. The ones who said that a bidding process was more important than getting vaccines out to the people. The ones who say that the `rights' of illegal immigrants trump those of the taxpaying locals.

Totalitarians are the people who want to make laws and regulations to deal with everything.

Their rules, about their issues.

And to hell with everyone else.

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