Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Great Paula Ostrowska Mystery

So the other day I got a random Facebook request (I'm on it to see who else is on it, and because I saw the movie and had some time spare to fill stuff out, but I'm on as my real name). It was from Paula Ostrowska. Which the last time I looked was an Eastern European name. There is a real Paul Ostrowska you can find on the Internet - she's student at the School of Social Psychology in Warsaw and she looks classically Eastern European.

This is what my "Paula Ostrowska" looks like...

Look carefully. See how long and rich her hair is? The smooth and tanned-looking complexion? Those cheekbones, and those lips, not to mention the way that green eye liner doesn't look slightly sickly, which it would on an Eastern European girl? Because this girl is Indian, with a decent probability of being born in the US or England.

So... huh? Of course the profile is private, which should ring alarm bells, and she only has 18 friends. Just maybe ol' Zuckergerg's code has assigned the wrong photograph to the account, and it really is the Polish student, who happens to be a friend of Anna who was in the blog a few entries ago, but I don't think so.

I'm assuming this is some kind of scam - for who could resist being befriended by a girl who looks like this? Well, I could, but my hormones are under reasonable control these days.

1 comment:

  1. We don't use the term Eastern Europe to relate to former Eastern Bloc countries. Russia, occupying 40% of all Europe is Eastern Europe (and other former Eastern block countries, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland are Central Europe or the Balkans) but we don't mention the term (it is a racist, biased and loaded cold war term; also, incorrect when you find out where the centre of Europe actually is).

    Russia is a part of Europe, really, most Russians live in its European part.

    Russian is an European language.
