Thursday 16 July 2020

Hold The Economy Hostage!

We're nearly there. They think they've got us where they want us, but actually, we've got them where we want them.

The Government is getting desperate to have us back at work and spending money as the summer goes by. On its terms. With masks and one or two metre distancing and staggered working hours and all that jazz. Will we please take part in the economy but on their terms?

No. We will not.

The British people don't care about the economy because the economy stopped caring about them a couple of decades ago. They will give the politicians the economy when the politicians stop threatening them with the Virus, and until then, they will stay home, save money, and let the railways, the buses, the theatres, cinemas, restaurants and all those useless shops, bleed cash unto closure. Because most of the British public never did go to the theatre, or the ballet, or eat in a Michelin-Star restaurant, they hate commuting, and they have realised how much useless junk they have been buying.

It's not only the individuals. The corporations with big offices are not going to spend millions pounds on moving the furniture when the lifts and the Covid Security won't let them get the people in and out in time. So the city centres and business parks will stay closed for a long time.

The shops need our business more than they need us to wear a mask. Tell them you don't have a mask, but do they still want your money? If they turn us away once, they risk it being forever, as we find what we want online. Covid Secure is not the experience we want: we will not go into the restaurants and pubs: some people will, but not enough to make it worthwhile unlocking the doors. Wait for the first retailers to announce they are closing again until customers can come back without restrictions.

Profit margins are so slim, cash flows are so weak, that even having a fifteen per cent drop in turnover means it is not worth staying open. Even if we participate back three days out of five, which might suit a lot of people, the economy will bleed to death. The Government does not understand that yet.

Hold the economy hostage! Do not go back until they sound the All Clear, and we can huddle and muddle together like we are supposed to.

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