Monday 5 April 2021

Catching Up: It's Been A Long Time...

...since I published anything. I've written stuff, but held it back.

Vaccine passports. The irrational fear of the insides of pubs and restaurants. Schoolgirl allegations without police charges, blaming boys. The EU threatening to stop vaccine exports. Teenagers burning the Union flag and complaining about 'colonial' history. NFT's in art. Museums turning into social justice institutions. Police breaking up Easter Sunday services.

Never try to understand crazy. There's nothing to understand, that's why it's called crazy. Walk away, have minimum contact if you can't, and never ever try to figure out what's going on. Because crazy makes no sense.

So I have to pass to No Comment.

I put in my retirement a couple of weeks ago. I stop work at the end of April. I have had conversations about pensions, taxes and investments. This stuff I really don't want to discuss, because most of the thoughts I'm having are first drafts, and so are just the cliches and stock responses, that I have to work through to get the real issues.

For the next four weeks I still have to show up at the work laptop four days a week (I've booked every Friday off in April). It wasn't the lockdown that kept me in the house during the week, it was the work laptop.

Retirement doesn't start until work stops. I don't know what I'll feel until the first Monday I never have to show up to work. In the meantime, my motivation to work is... fading.

Writing this, I have realised that I've put my plans on hold for four weeks because of work.

Nope. Don't do that.

I should go ahead and order the things I want, even if I don't unwrap them until the 1st of May.

See? That's what writing a journal entry does for you.

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