Friday 21 January 2022

Welfare Mothers, Neil Young

Welfare Mothers make better lovers. That's the chorus. Try Googling for some interpretations and a saddening majority of the answers suggest that Neil Young is a) attracted to welfare mothers, b) thinks that other men should be attracted to welfare mothers.

(Shakes head slowly, sighs)

The live version has an interlude in which the Welfare Mother is eagerly awaiting and then receiving her cheque from the Government. It's clearly her only source of income.

This is not a Single Working Mom, that heroine-figure of Late Feminism / Capitalism(*). This is not Sienna Miller in Burnt - which is very silly and very watchable film.

This is an unemployed woman who made some very bad choices and can't make her way out of the consequences.

I've said before that Normies simply don't see Screw-Ups, and so never get involved with them. The way Screw-Ups know they are Un-Screwing themselves, is that they stop being attracted to other Screw-Ups, and begin to wonder how they could ever have been attracted to Screw-Ups. (OK, so, maybe because Hot, but Hot and Only Hot is a One-Night Stand, not a relationship.)

So those people thinking Neil Young was commending welfare mothers to them?


I bet the chorus line was a bumper-sticker. If it wasn't, it should have been.

It was Neil Young being sarcastic.

(*) Drop me a line if you ever work out the difference between the two, mod rhetoric.

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